I watched Oprah this morning on Sundays she has a program called “super Soul Sundays” and it was fascinating. Oprah had Dr. Christiane Northrup a leading authority on women’s health and wellness. It was what I needed to see. Her new book is called Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being
A quote from Dr. Northrups book:
“Ageless living is courageous living. It means being undistracted by the petty dramas of life because you have enough experience to know what’s not worth worrying about and what ought to be your priorities. It means establishing a new relationship to time, where you stop fearing it or trying to outrun it. When people over 100 were asked in a recent survey how they felt about reaching the triple digits, the top three answers were “blessed,” “happy,” and “surprised” – surprised because when you’re living agelessly, you don’t pay attention to your age, whatever it is.”
Listening to the conversation I realized I had been dwelling on the fact I was going to be 57 in a few short weeks. I don’t feel it, and I don’t think I look it but society does put you in a box when they know your age…
A few weeks ago I decided to do things I want, to enjoy life to the fullest the best I can with my life circumstances. This show was the affirmation that I needed; I am right. I have been giving my life to everyone else for over 50 years now it is time to give something back to me….
#SuperSoulSunday #AgelessLiving
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