I started wondering what is the difference between addiction and obsession. I looked up the two words addiction is a synonym for obsession yet they have different definitions hmm.
So I am addicted or obsessed with games (take your pick). It gives me mindless pleasure. I don’t know how many of you play games, but it is keeping me from doing constructive things like sleeping… Or I should be cleaning my house, exercising, working on my business or all the above.
I almost took all the games off of my phone – but I just can’t do it. Do I need intervention?
I love going to casinos could this be the root cause?
My mom and I use to go, and we would both have so much fun. We were both pretty lucky. When I was in my twenties, we would probably go every week. Even in the snow!
Since my mom was a paraplegic there were not a lot of physical things she could do. When she was young, she was very athletic and was the one that would help her dad tromp hay and work on the farm. At 19 when she broke her back she needed to learn how to live a different lifestyle.
The closest casino was about two hours away from our town and I lived close to my mom. Maybe that is why I am so fixated on playing casino games on my phone. When I win a big jackpot (of nothing) it is thrilling – and in my life right now, it seems to benefit me to be numb. That is what my mind tells me.
It isn’t good to medicate yourself no matter if it is eating (as I have been known to do) drinking, drugs, or gambling.
I know I am a smart woman inaction is a choice because in the end, nothing constructive comes out of it.
I need to take the games off my phone and feel the pain, meet my goals and live my life. I am just not ready yet – will I ever be??