The Path in Front of Me

“I know this path is one I need to take I have no choice…”

My emotions are so volatile. One minute I am seeing improvement in my husband the next I am worried I won’t have him for much longer.  I know Parkinson’s with Lewy Body does have this characteristic. Your body cannot regulate itself so one day your blood pressure may be high, and then it drops. One day it seems things are going well – the next not so much.

I quit my job at the state I had worked there for close to 16 yrs. Part time but it gave me full benefits so our insurance was great and paid for. I thenGiven Path also have my own business, when my husband became ill I could no longer run my business and just took on old clients no new ones.

I quit my job for many reasons, but in the end I know I needed to stay home with my husband. He will see my face when he wakes up and when he goes to bed. I can make sure that he gets what he needs, and I can take the precious time I have with him and soak it in.

He will be able to be fully covered on Medicare part A, so he doesn’t need any more insurance, and I have found affordable insurance for myself.

I am on the path I need to be and was guided to.  A year ago, I would not have known how I would be able to afford to live let alone quit my job.  Now through investments, I could  pay off my house, get a new car with cash and put money in the bank for my husband’s care. All because my husband was a very smart business man and left me the tools. It took lots of prayer and guidance, but you know when you are on the right track things fall into place.

And when you are following a voice that seems to guide you – things go the way they should. This is the second time during my life it is as if God just picked me up and showed me the way. I didn’t have a choice – the path was in front of me…

Thank You God…


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About Sarah Maude

My life has been full of twists and turns. I have been wanting to do a personal blog for a long time and so here it goes. To know who I am and what I am about - subscribe! Looking forward to your comments.
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