I am using this great software that my client bought for me. It is called Dragon; I am, however, getting frustrated because just like everything else it takes time to learn it. It’s really neat all you need to do is train your software to know what your voice sounds like, and you can talk into the microphone, and it types it out for you. So I’m sure I will love this software once I get it all programmed but, just like anything else it takes time.
Right now, I am considering going to overeaters anonymous. I am hoping that I can just do this on my own and eat in moderation. I have the outline. I know what to do, I probably have more knowledge than a fitness guru. The trick is just doing it! Not to take from a Nike commercial, but it’s the truth we all need to just do what is good for us. I shouldn’t talk in such broad terms; some of us do what we need to do without hesitation. Even so, my life is chaotic at best and full of challenges some of which I caused myself.
I am the creative type, I don’t like having rules. Everything in life has rules, so in this lays the conundrum. I believe I just need to light my fire, get my juices flowing, and
find my passion. I used to think it was being a successful business owner. But now that I’m older and I’ve seen success in the business world, I find that it is something a lot more fleeting. I don’t know if it is finding a purpose, making a difference or just listening to myself, going with my intuition.
I think as one gets older and lose those they love the meaning of their lives shift and we find that we grapple with who we are. I am bound and determined to discover this in 2013. I’m giving myself a year to shift and grow. To explore and delve into my psyche, and together perhaps we can see what lies in our future. I have always put myself last, and it time to start putting myself first. Not in an egotistical selfish way but in a healthy caring for yourself way. I am sure as women we all go through this at least most of us, I do know some selfish woman who have never thought of anyone else. But that is the exception rather than the rule.
So I as a woman over 50 am going to take the oath to take care of myself, find my joy in life again, and find new and exciting directions to go.
Won’t you join me in this quest? I hope you do I look forward to your comments and hearing about your life, warts and all!
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