I have joined a contest called The Ultimate Blog Challenge – 30 blog posts in 30 days yikes; I am already seven days behind. I originally was going to do the contest for my business blog, but I have a good following there so here I am.
My life during the last few months has changed – I now have twin grandchildren. They were so premature that one of them is still in the NICU. When they were born, they both weight about 2 lbs. Now they have reach 7+ it really is a miracle. It wasn’t without struggles; we almost lost Madilynn, but it looks like she is out of the woods thank goodness.
So now I am up to six grandchildren – and there is nothing better than being a grandma it makes my heart sing. It is just a special place to be – it is really true you get to enjoy them at their best and give them back to mom and dad when they get cranky…
Well, it may not be that cut and dried but almost…

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