I don’t know about you, but at the age of 54, I feel like I am in my 30s or 40s. To say “I am 54” gets caught in my throat. Really where did the time go?
The funniest thing about getting older is thinking people are middle-aged when you are probably the same age if not older…
All my life, I was told how beautiful I was – as I grow older, I find my identity shifting and insecurities creeping in. Am I the only one?
I have had so many successes in my life. That is not what comes to my mind, quite the opposite. I have always believed looks fade, but who we are as people last forever. Still so very real – so why am I having these thoughts.
I think I am still attractive, but youth has fled, and it makes me realize that one can feel insecure even in there 50’s. I suppose I thought that as I got older, I would become more settled and satisfied with who I was.
I love those women who are growing older and make no apologies to themselves or anyone else. I always believed I would be one of those strong independent self-assured women. What happened?
Perhaps, I show my self to be that woman – but in the still quiet hours, when I am alone with myself, I know that I still have a lot of work to do.
It ain’t over until its over…

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