Acupuncture has a lot of benefits I never realized until I tried it myself.
I woke up feeling pretty good today but as usual as day wears on I feel so tired. It is not normal tired it is wanting to quit tired. Not wanting to do anything but go to bed and sleep. Pull the covers up over my head and check out.
Not good, so not like the old me. I have so many projects I can work on that use to bring a sense of excitement and ultimately accomplishment, not anymore…
I have been taking my husband to get acupuncture and decided to join him. I wasn’t sure if we both could afford to go but my brother convinced me I need to take care of myself to be able to continue on this path. I agreed my first appointment I was so angry going in and after my session I felt like I had been drugged I felt so calm and just peaceful. I couldn’t believe it. You should try it if you haven’t!
I see a big change in my husband’s attitude, and he is much happier we will continue I will keep you posted on the results…

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