As a little girl, I remember being fascinated with a necklace my friend would wear. Every day, I would look at the little glass bobble with something gold color inside a seed or something. I learned that it was a mustard seed.
I was drawn to it, fascinated, and I wish I could have one. A short time later I learned that it was connected to this bible verse:
Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
~Matthew 17:20~
I love this passage – it has helped me through my life. Anytime I am in doubt, and something is really troubling me; I know I have to let go do what I think is best and have faith.
It is really hard to do when you are in some of life’s greatest challenges. However, I can tell you it can also give you the strength you didn’t know you had.
Faith that things are going to work out the way god intended. Our life is over in the blink of an eye and when you look at it that way, you will look at things in a different light.
Enjoy today – don’t worry – have faith that you will know what to do when life throws you a curve.