Getting older can be all consuming if you let it, especially in our society that seems to focus on youthfulness. I remember when my grandma was about 75 and a widower, a younger man was flirting with her at the grocery store she smiled at me and said, “I guess I still have it” then she said, “I would not date at my age, especially with aids going around.” Grandma! I thought what kind of comment was that. The thought of her having a physical relationship was unthinkable, and I thought it was so funny.
As I get older, I realize I don’t feel older, I feel the same way as I did at 30 but with a lot more life experience under my belt. My grandma must have felt the same way, and I think most of us do. When I am with a bunch of 30 or 40 something’s I feel like I am their age and then the reality hits me; I am the oldest in the room…
If I knew at 20 what I know now my life would have been completely different, but then again, I wouldn’t be who I am today.