
It is so frustrating dealing with large banks. I noticed a pending debit on my checking account that was not familiar. I Google the name – scam and fraud all the way down the first page. I immediately called our bank I had to call 3 different number all of them put me on hold forever and I ended up hanging up on the last one I couldn’t keep waiting all day.

I ended up calling my husband to go through the branch office thinking that they would take care of it – guess what? They will not do anything on a pending debit it has to post first??  That is ridiculous – if we know it is fraud. Why would they wait any length of time? So once again another morning is going to be wasted tomorrow.

I don’t mean to rant and rave but seriously. I love credit unions because they don’t nickel and dime you to death and
Opinion  TImethere is a fast response time. I am only at this bank because of my husband’s insistence.

I hate dealing with the government. A few months ago, we were getting telephone calls early in the morning telling us we needed to contact the IRS at such and such phone number, or we could be prosecuted. Now if that doesn’t send chills up your spine, I don’t know what would. I realize the IRS would not send a recorded message but then again, nothing surprises me anymore. It happened over and over again – so I block their number.

I found the phone number to report fraud to the appropriate office in Washington DC –I just wanted to let our government know so others didn’t get taken for a ride – well you guessed it-no answer gone to lunch, once again no answer – I left a message. Nothing was returned called again no answer…

OMG really this is how our government works for you…

Let’s get rid of big government and regulations that stifle our freedoms. And don’t go national go local.

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About Sarah Maude

My life has been full of twists and turns. I have been wanting to do a personal blog for a long time and so here it goes. To know who I am and what I am about - subscribe! Looking forward to your comments.
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